Issy Angier

BA (Hons) Fashion Design and Technology (Womenswear) 2021

Final collection concept
Encapsulation using bio-resin. Bio based resin derives from plants and other natural sources and reduces dependancy on petrochemicals. Encapsulated in this is second hand scoobies and eco friendly glitter.

Issy Angier

BA (Hons) Fashion Design and Technology (Womenswear) 2021

As a womenswear designer, I enjoy creating garments that stand out by using bold shapes and experimenting with a combination of colours.

My process is very hands-on, relying heavily on drape to create patterns and garments. I think outside of the box and have a huge interest in pushing fashion forward through innovative ideas and materials.

Although challenging to make 'fashion' completely sustainable, I aim to make ethically and sustainably conscious design decisions, weighing up the positives and negatives. This outlook on the industry leads me to responsibly sourced and considered collections.

My collection NAUGHTIES NOSTALGIA came from feeling lonely and down due to the isolation caused by the pandemic. Thinking back to happier childhood memories became a way of escaping reality. It was enjoyable to reminisce whilst being confined to my bedroom. 

I have been a creative person ever since I was a child, using my imaginative mind to making arts and crafts. I realised that similarities could be drawn between then and now. Naughties Nostalgia imitated experiences from my younger self and it bought back fun and enjoyment into my practice.