Danny Moult

BA (Hons) Fashion Business and Management 2021

A2 Poster Submission
Business Plan Cover Photo
Mark-Up and Margin Analysis for Individual Service Delivery
Marketing-Driven Demand Forecasts (Year 1)
Five Year Financial Forecasts (Profit and Loss)
Promotional Tactic Details - Launch Strategy (Brand Service Giveaway)
Launch Strategy Prototypes (July 2021) and Social Media Bio
Brand Giveaway Prototypes (Left) and Anti-Black Friday Campaign Prototypes (Right) (November 2021)
Marketing Calendar - Customer Acquisition Strategy (July-December 2021)

Danny Moult

BA (Hons) Fashion Business and Management 2021

Fashion Enterpris Business Proposal: Second Sole

Within my final project, I decided to launch a Sneaker Cleaning and Restoration brand, to be launched in a Manchester City Centre hub, with the facilities to provide walk-in custom, as well as nationwide courier collection of the customer’s trainers. The brand has a clear service-led and sustainability-focused emphasis, enabling the brand to target multiple primary segments and facilitate frequent revenue realisation.

INDUSTRY ISSUE: Climate change and the fashion industry’s throwaway behaviour; sneaker production and disposal contribute to one-fifth of the fashion industry’s entire environmental footprint; leather trainers can take 30-40 years to decompose.

SOLUTION: The development of a sneaker cleaning brand which actively calls on consumers to both regularly maintain the condition of their trainers, as well as utilising the brand’s services to restore worn-out pairs enables consumers to mitigate their need to frequently purchase and dispose of worn trainers.

BRAND CONCEPT: The brand’s name ‘Second Sole’ and logo place direct emphasis upon extending the active lifecycle of the customer’s trainers, in order to exhibit sustainable buying-habits.

TARGET MARKET: Image conscious Gen Z consumers who frequently purchase new and rare sneakers, categorised by ACORN as ‘Student Flats’ and ‘Socialising Young Renters’.

Sustainability-focused Millennial consumers who are actively seeking greater solutions which minimise their individual environmental footprint; ACORN group – Metropolitan Professionals.

MARKETING: The promotional campaign is built on driving nationwide customer acquisition, through the execution of paid Facebook and Instagram tactics. This aims to rapidly increase the brand’s social following and email list, to trigger first-time conversions, as well as encouraging frequent usage of Second Sole’s services, through executing personalised loyalty and subscription scheme benefits. Launching the brand in July enables Second Sole to incrementally build a following prior to the peak-trading Christmas period, to develop micro-influencer trust and promotional materials, which accelerate site traffic, and inspire high conversion rates.

17105840 Daniel Moult Second Sole FEP Video Submission