Dr Abu Sadat Muhammad Sayem

Project Lead, UKRI AHRC Digital Fashion Network

Dr Abu Sadat Muhammad Sayem

Project Lead, UKRI AHRC Digital Fashion Network

Email: asm.sayem@mmu.ac.uk

Telephone: 0161 247 2673

I am a research academic with focus on digital fashion innovation, smart textiles and material sustainability. I am implementing the AHRC Project “Digital Fashion Network” as the Project Lead. I am a member of the UKRI Peer Review College and the Assessment Panel for the UKRI (AHRC, Innovate UK and NERC) Circular Fashion and Textile NetworkPlus programme.

Academic and professional qualifications

I am a fellow of the Textile institute, the Royal Socitey of Arts and the Higher Education Academy, UK. I am an alumnus of Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, UK and Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdiens (DAAD), Germany. 

I obtained my PhD in Fashion Technology from the University of Manchester in 2012. I gained my MSc. in Textile and Clothing Engineering (2004) from the Dresden University of Technology in Germany. My first degree, gained in 1999, was in Textiles from the University of Dhaka in Bangladesh.

My present role at the Manchester Fashion Institute (MFI) includes teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate courses, supervising and mark UG and PG research projects including PhD projects, reviewing Research Ethics Applications, providing research ethics training to staff and students, and contributing towards the activities of the Faculty Research Ethics & Governance Committee. I conduct independent and joint research works and contribute to the RKE (research and knowledge exchange) projects with industry partners.

Previous Employment

Before joining MMU, I worked as an Associate Professor in the textile department and as the Head of the Centre of Scientific Research and Innovation (CSRI) of the Southeast University Bangladesh. I led the textile department of the World University of Bangladesh from October 2012 to February 2014. I also worked as an Assistant Professor in the textile department of the Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology from 2006 to 2012.

I have more than three years of direct work experience in the clothing industry between 2000 and 2006; I undertook product development, merchandising and sourcing roles in Bangladesh for European fashion retailers. As leader of a merchandising team, I was responsible for multi-million-dollar international clothing contracts and also for production and shipping co-ordination, as a part of buying and sourcing on behalf of a Swiss retailer.


I speak and write Bengali, English and German.

Consultancy and advisory roles

I am internationally involved in contributing towards curriculum development. I provided advisory input in developing curriculum for the unit “3D Virtual Fashion Prototyping” for the Bangladesh University of Textiles. I reviewed a curriculum of BSc. textile and environmental engineering of the same university last year. In 2022, I provided advisory input for developing the course of sustainable textiles at the Bartın University in Turkey.

Community, charity and NGO links

Trustee of the Textile Institute - https://www.textileinstitute.org/

Academic Degrees

  • PhD in Fashion Technology (University of Manchester)
  • MSc in Textile & Clothing Engineering (Dresden University)
  • BSc in Textile Technology (Dhaka University)

Prizes & Awards

1. Winner - MMU Knowledge Exchange Award 2015-Hollings Faculty -Body Scanning Research for Canterbury Sportswear.

2. Winner - IMB Innovation Award 2009 in”Students & Young Professionals” category, awarded at “IMB – World of Textile Processing“, by Koelnmesse GmbH, Cologne, Germany.

3. Recipient - Commonwealth Scholarship 2008-2011, by Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) in the United Kingdom.

4. Recipient - DAAD (German Academic Exchange Programme) Scholarship, 2002 - 2004.

5. Finalist - AATCC (American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists) student’s research paper competition in 1999.

Expert reviewer for external funding bodies

1) Member of UKRI Peer Review College 

2) Member of UKRI (AHRC, Innovate UK and NERC) Circular Fashion & Textile Programme
Assessment Panel

Editiorial Board membership

1) Editor, Textile Institute Professional Publication Series (CRC Press/Taylor & Francis), https://www.textileinstitute.org/publications/publish-with-us/ 

Membership of professional associations

  • CText FTI: Fellow of the Textile Institute (TI), UK
  • Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA)
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

Academic service (administration and management)

1) Member, Faculty Research Ethics & Governance Committee (Arts & Humanities) 

2) Member of Faculty Health & Safety Panel (2019 -2023) 

Undergraduate teaching

A) Fashion Cultures 3 (316Z0049) - BA Fashion Design & Technoloy Level 6

B) Fasion Collaboration (315Z0069) -  BA Fashion Design & Technoloy Level 5

C) Fashion product (315Z0067) - BA Fashion Design & Technoloy Level 5

D) FBM Research Project (316Z0014_2021_9Z3)

E) Final Major Project (316Z9005) 

Postgraduate teaching

A) Fashion Product Innovation (317V0013)

B) Materials Innovation (317V0005)

C) Taught Virtual Fashion Prototyping  at the Unit “Build” of the MA Fashion Innovation programme in 2016/17, 2017/18.

External examiner roles

PhD Examiner for Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedfordshire MK43 0AL (since 2020).

Postgraduate research supervision

> Completed PHD supervision:

- Development of an Optimised Garment Sizing System with Bust Cup Size Integration (Tanya Dove, 2022).

- Biomimetic approach for the production of 3D woven sportswear, Yuyuan Shi, Leeds University (2022),

- Development of standardized sizing system and basic block patterns for Ghanaian children aged 6-11, (Adwoa Tweneboaah Twum, 2023)

> Ongoing PhD supervision:

- Climate change mitigation Impact and workplace safety management of the Sri Lankan Apparel Industry, Chamara Harshana Senadeera (submission due 2024/25)
- Social Sustainability of Apparel Manufacturing, Ishrat Khan (submission due 2025/26)

Media appearances or involvement

1) Joined as a panelist at the session “Generative AI - The future of textile design” of Innovate: AI in Textiles on 26 June 2024,  https://innovateaiintextiles.wtin.com/agenda/

2) Interviewed by the New York Times in August 2022, World-Class Lessons on Zero-Waste, https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/31/style/world-class-lessons-on-zero-waste.html 

2) Spoke about the “I-A-E Framework for Sustainable Fashion & Textile Production” developed by my Global Challenge Research Fund (GCRF) project team in World Textile Information Network (WTiN) on 25 August 2021. See full article here: https://www.wtin.com/article/2021/august/230821/providing-sustainable-guidelines-for-the-textile-industry/ 

3) Interviewed by Ràdio País, France on International Mother Language Day (21 Feb 2010)


The Digitalisation of Textiles

The Digital Fashion Network (DFN), a collaborative initiative supported by the UK Research & Innovation (UKRI),hosted the first webinar on Thursday, December 7, 2023. The online session explored how advanced digital solutions are enhancing sustainability, agility and connectivity across textile and fashion supply chains. Attendees heard from renowned industry expert, Gabrielle Shiner-Hill on the real-world application and impacts of digital technologies like digital textile twins and virtual fashion prototyping.

Fashion Animation example from 2023

This is an example of fashion animation created using a 3D CAD system, external motion and video editing software systems.

Fashion Animation example from 2018

This is how fashion animation looked like back in 2018!


Research Interests

My research covers the areas of digital prototyping, sustainable materials and process innovation, and smart textiles. I am leading the following research projects:

1) Digital Fashion Innovation (https://fashioninstitute.mmu.ac.uk/research/digital-fashion-innovation/)

2) Digital & Smart Apparel (https://fashioninstitute.mmu.ac.uk/research/digital-smart-apparel/)

3) Sustainable Materials Innovation (https://fashioninstitute.mmu.ac.uk/research/materials-innovation/)

Recent publications from these projects include the topics - Zero-Waste Pattern Cutting (ZWPC), Objective Fit Analysis of virtual clothing, 3D to 2D Surface Flattening, Smart Electro-Clothing Systems (SeCSs), 3D Printing, and Fibre-reinforced Sustainable Composites. I have so far published with the following journals – the Journal of Cleaner Production, the Textile Progress, the Journal of The Textile Institute, the Journal of Composite Materials, the Sensors, the International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education and the International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, the Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, which are regarded as the top-ranked journals in their respective areas. Two of my peer-reviewed outputs are submitted to REF 2021.

The “Canterbury Rugby – Body Scanning, Data Collection and Analysis” project, in which I played a key role, won the MMU Knowledge Exchange Awards in 2015.

I guest-edited a special issue on the “Digital fashion Innovation” of the International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education (vol 15, no. 2). I am the sole editor of the book “Digital Fashion Innovations: Advances in Design, Simulation, and Industry” (Taylor and Francis Catalogue # 501061, ISBN: 9781032207278). Building upon my research, I have been organising the “Digital fashion Innovation” symposium since 2020. I chair the annual event “Sustainable Textile and Fashion Congress (STFC)” organised by iCongress (https://www.ilettersicongress.co.uk/stfc).

In the past, I worked with the Plasma Technology Research Group at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) in Switzerland to investigate the plasma-induced graft polymerisation of multi-functional chemicals on cotton. At TU-Dresden in Germany, I investigated into both virtual clothing technology and eco-friendly water-free dyeing of textiles. My research on clothing CAD won an innovation award in the “IMB – World of Textile Processing 2009”, organised by Koelnmesse GmbH, Cologne, Germany. My undergraduate research on the preparatory processes of industrial textile colouration reached the final three of the AATCC (American Association of Textile Chemists and Colourists) student paper competition in 1999.

Academic collaborations

1) Aalborg University, Denmark on ‘pre-consumer textiles recycling’.

2) Bangladesh University of Textiles and BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology (BUFT) on ‘digital fashion’ and ‘sustainability and UN SDGs’

3) ManMet Engineering department on ‘wearable technology and fibre-reinforced composites’

4) Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI) on sustainable composite materials

5) University of Leeds on ‘3D anthropometry and CAD’ 

6) North Carolina State University (NCSU) Wilson College of Textiles on ‘wearable technology and digital fashion’  

Invited Talks

1) “Fashion and Textiles vis-à-vis UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” at the 4th International conference of sustainable textile (online) on 19th May 2021, organised by the Textile Engineering Department of the University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Lahore, Faisalabad Campus (https://conferences.uet.edu.pk/textile/icst/2021/)

2) Keynote talk “Digital Design Technology and Sustainable Fashion” at the International Conference on Sustainable Development in Technology for 4th Industrial Revolution, http://www.icsdtir.pciuconference.net/ took place on 12 March 2021.

3) “Fashion and Textile Research: A Multidisciplinary Area” at MMU Technical Service Conference, 14 June 2019, Business School, MMU. 

Guest Lectures

1) “Defining Digital Fashion and Tracking the Developments in relevant Technologies” at the Fiber Science & Apparel Design (FSAD) Graduate Seminar of the College of Human Ecology, Cornell University, USA on 15 March 2024.  

2)”Virtual Fashion” for the BA International Fashion Business students of the Nottingham Trent University (NTU) on 2nd November 2021.  

3) “Fashion and Textile Research: A Multidisciplinary Area” for the textile department of the Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT) on 12 April 2021.

Conference organisation

1) Chair, Digital Fashion Innovation Conference (DFIC), https://digitalfashionnetwork.net/conference/, since 2020

2) Chair, Sustainable Textile and Fashion Congress (STFC), https://www.ilettersicongress.co.uk/stfc, since 2021. 

Expert reviewer for journals and publishers

# Reviewed several research articles upon request from the Editors of

- International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education (Taylor & Francis);

- Journal of Industrial Textiles (Sage Publication);

- Autex Research Journal (AUTEX, EU);

-  Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (Elsevier);

- Sensors, MDPI.

- Multimodal Technologies and Interaction (ISSN 2414-4088), MDPI

- International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology (Emerald)

- Materials (ISSN 1996-1944) , MDPI

- Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management (Emerald)

- Informatics (ISSN 2227-9709), MDPI

# Acted as an invited reviewer for the following conferences: 

- The annual conference of the International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institute (IFFTI)

- The Industry 4.0 Academia Summit (Smart Sustainable Manufacturing)

# Review metrics: https://publons.com/researcher/1288199/abu-sadat-muhammad-sayem/metrics/ 


1) Principal Investigator, AHRC Digital Fashion Network 2023-24 (£43K), https://digitalfashionnetwork.net/about/

2) Co-investigator, Circular Economy in Bangladesh’s Apparel Industry (CREATE), 2022-2027 , http://createproject.aust.edu/researchers/

3) Principal Investigator, GCRF QR 2020/21 (£26.4K): Research Capacity Building and Promoting Sustainable Fashion and Textile Practices in Bangladesh

4) Principal Investigator, RKE RAG Funding 2017/18 - Wearable Sensors in Smart Clothing for Health and Performance Monitoring (Worktribe ID: 113394)

5) Faculty grant for hosting Faculty Research Scholarship and Internship 2019, 2021

Projects and initiatives

RKE Projects:

“Canterbury Rugby – Body Scanning, Data Collection and Analysis”

“Gym Shark - Body Scanning and Fit Manikin”


Fashion Animation - RISE 2022 - https://mmutube.mmu.ac.uk/media/Fashion+Animation+-+RISE+2022/1_pgupi8ki


Muhammad Sayem, A.S., 2023. 'Digital fashion innovations: advances in design, simulation, and industry', CRC Press, Boca Raton.

Book Chapters

Md. Mahbubor, R., Muhammad Sayem, A.S., 2025. 'VR/AR and Metaverse in Fashion Industry'. In Use of Digital and Advanced Technologies in the Fashion Supply Chain, Springer Nature.

Muhammad Sayem, A.S., 2025. 'Virtual fashion in Metaverse'. In Human-Centered Metaverse Concepts, Methods, and Applications, Elsevier Inc..

Shi, Y., Taylor, L.W., Cheung, V., Sayem, A.S.M., 2023. 'Scan2Weave'. In Digital Fashion Innovations, pp. 83-96, CRC Press.

Sayem, A.S.M., 2023. 'Clothing Fit Evaluation'. In Digital Fashion Innovations, pp. 17-38, CRC Press.

Shi, Y., Taylor, L.W., Cheung, V., Sayem, A.S.M., 2023. 'Scan2Weave: Connecting Digital Anthropometry with 3D Weaving Technology'. In Digital Fashion Innovations: Advances in Design, Simulation, and Industry, pp. 83-96.

Sayem, A.S.M., 2023. 'Clothing Fit Evaluation: From Physical to Virtual'. In Digital Fashion Innovations: Advances in Design, Simulation, and Industry, pp. 17-38.

Islam, M.M., Sayem, A.S.M., 2023. 'Virtual Fit of Bodices Constructed Following Contemporary Methods'. In Digital Fashion Innovations: Advances in Design, Simulation, and Industry, pp. 63-81.

Sayem, A.S.M., Chakraborty, S., Hoque, S.M.A., Saha, K., Mica, M.T., Ahsan, M., 2023. 'Defining Digital Fashion and Tracking the Developments in Relevant Technologies'. In Digital Fashion Innovations: Advances in Design, Simulation, and Industry, pp. 3-14.

Sayeed, M.M.A., Muhammad Sayem, A.S., Haider, J., Habib, M.M., Malik, A., 2021. 'Re-use of Plastic Products–Materials Perspective'. In Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Elsevier B.V., Netherlands.

Muhammad Sayem, A.S., 2020. 'Virtual prototyping for fashion 4.0. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Smart Manufacturing (S2M 2019), 9–11 April 2019, Manchester, UK'. In da Silva Bartolo, P.J., Bartolo, H. (eds.) Industry 4.0 – Shaping The Future of The Digital World, 4, CRC Press, London.

Sayem, A.S.M., 2020. 'Virtual prototyping for fashion 4.0'. In Industry 4.0 – Shaping The Future of The Digital World, pp. 193-196, CRC Press.

Abbas Uddin, M., Muhammad Sayem, A., 2019. 'Natural Indigo for Textiles: Past, Present and Future'. In Hashmi, S. (eds.) Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Elsevier, UK.

Zerin, I., Farzana, N., Muhammad Sayem, A., Anang, D.M., Haider, J., 2019. 'Potentials of Natural Dyes for Textile applications'. In Hashmi, S. (eds.) Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Elsevier.

Sayeed, M.M.A., Muhammad Sayem, A., Haider, J., 2019. 'Opportunities with Renewable Jute Fibre Composites to Reduce Eco-impact of Non-renewable Polymers'. In Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Elsevier.

Muhammad Sayem, A., Shahariar, H., Haider, J., 2019. 'An overview on the opportunities for 3D printing with bio-based materials'. In Hashmi, S., Buggy, M. (eds.) Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Elsevier, UK.

Muhammad Sayem, A., Haider, J., 2019. 'An Overview on the Development of Natural Renewable Materials for Textile Applications'. In Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Elsevier Ltd, The Netherlands.

Journal Articles

Sayam, A., Rahman, M.M., Sayem, A.S.M., Ahmed, A.T.M.F., Alimuzzaman, S., 2024. 'Carbon‐Based Textile‐Structured Triboelectric Nanogenerators for Smart Wearables', Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research, 5 (11).

Shi, Y., Taylor, L.W., Kulessa, A., Cheung, V., Sayem, A.S.M., 2024. 'Re-engineer apparel manufacturing processes with 3D weaving technology for efficient single-step garment production', iScience, 27 (8).

Khan, M.R., Dip, T.M., Rashid, M.E., Haque, R.U., Neloy, F.K., Salehin, S.M.M., Galib, S., Muhammad Sayem, A.S., 2023. 'Comparative Analysis of Production Processes and Quality Parameters of Two Different Semi-Combed Yarns', Journal of Natural Fibers, 20 (1).

Shamsuzzaman, M., Islam, M.M., Hasan, H.M.R.U., Khan, A.M., Muhammad Sayem, A.S., 2023. 'Mapping environmental sustainability of knitted textile production facilities', Journal of Cleaner Production, 405, pp. 136900-136900.

Sayeed, M.M.A., Sayem, A.S.M., Haider, J., Akter, S., Habib, M.M., Rahman, H., Shahinur, S., 2023. 'Assessing Mechanical Properties of Jute, Kenaf, and Pineapple Leaf Fiber-Reinforced Polypropylene Composites: Experiment and Modelling', Polymers, 15 (4).

Rayhan, M.G.S., Khan, M.K.H., Shoily, M.T., Rahman, H., Rahman, M.R., Akon, M.T., Hoque, M., Khan, M.R., Rifat, T.R., Tisha, F.A., Sumon, I.H., Fahim, A.W., Uddin, M.A., Sayem, A.S.M., 2022. 'Conductive textiles for signal sensing and technical applications', Signals, 4 (1), pp. 1-39.

Haque, A.N.M.A., Sultana, N., Sayem, A.S.M., Smriti, S.A., 2022. 'Sustainable adsorbents from plant-derived agricultural wastes for anionic dye removal: a review', Sustainability, 14 (17), pp. 11098-11098.

Uddin, M.A., Rahman, M.M., Haque, A.N.M.A., Smriti, S.A., Datta, E., Farzana, N., Chowdhury, S., Haider, J., Muhammad Sayem, A.S., 2022. 'Textile colouration with natural colourants: a review', Journal of Cleaner Production, 349, pp. 131489-131489.

Sayem, A.S.M., 2022. 'Editorial: Digital fashion innovations for the real world and metaverse', International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 15 (2), pp. 139-141.

Shahinur, S., Sayeed, M.M.A., Hasan, M., Sayem, A.S.M., Haider, J., Ura, S., 2022. 'Current development and future perspective on natural jute fibers and their biocomposites', Polymers, 14 (7).

Ahsan, M., Teay, S.H., Muhammad Sayem, A.S., Albarbar, A., 2022. 'Smart Clothing Framework for Health Monitoring Applications', Signals, 3 (1), pp. 113-113.

Shi, Y., Taylor, L.W., Cheung, V., Muhammad Sayem, A.S., 2022. 'Biomimetic Approach for the Production of 3D Woven Spherical Composite Applied in Apparel Protection and Performance', Applied Composite Materials, 29 (1), pp. 159-171.

Mahady Dip, T., Emu, A.S., Nafiz, M.N.H., Kundu, P., Rakhi, H.R., Sayam, A., Akhtarujjman, M., Shoaib, M., Ahmed, M.S., Ushno, S.T., Asheque, A.I., Hasnat, E., Uddin, M.A., Muhammad Sayem, A.S., 2021. '3D printing technology for textiles and fashion', Textile Progress, 52 (4), pp. 167-260.

Ramkalaon, S., Muhammad Sayem, A.S., 2021. 'Zero-Waste Pattern Cutting (ZWPC) to tackle over sixty billion square metres of fabric wastage during mass production of apparel', Journal of the Textile Institute, 112 (5), pp. 809-819.

Fink, P., Muhammad Sayem, A.S., Teay, S., Ahmad, F., Shahariar, H., Albarbar, A., 2021. 'Development and Wearer Trial of ECG-Garment with Textile-based Dry Electrodes', Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 328, pp. 112784-112784.

Shamsuzzaman, M., Kashem, M.A., Muhammad Sayem, A.S., Maroof Khan, A., Md Shamsuddin, S., Mazedul Islam, M., 2021. 'Quantifying Environmental Sustainability of Denim Garments Washing Factories Through Effluent Analysis: A Case Study in Bangladesh', Journal of Cleaner Production, 290, pp. 125740-125740.

Tyler, D., Wood, J., Sabir, T., McDonnell, C., Sayem, A.S.M., Whittaker, N., 2020. 'Wearable electronic textiles', Textile Progress, 51 (4), pp. 299-384.

Muhammad Sayem, A.S., Haider, J., Naveed, B., Sayeed, M.M.A., Sashikumar, S., 2020. 'Thermoplastic Composites reinforced with Multi-layer Woven Jute Fabric: A Comparative Analysis', Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, 8 (1), pp. 355-379.

Muhammad Sayem, A.S., Hon Teay, S., Shahariar, H., Luise Fink, P., Albarbar, A., 2020. 'Review on Smart Electro-Clothing Systems (SeCSs)', Sensors, 20 (3).

Muhammad Sayem, A.S., Haider, J., Sayeed, M.M.A., 2019. 'Development and characterisation of multilayer jute fabric reinforced HDPE composites', Journal of Composite Materials, 54 (14), 11.

Muhammad Sayem, A.S., 2016. 'Objective Analysis of the Drape Behaviour of Virtual Shirt, Part 2: Technical Parameters and Findings', International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 10 (2), pp. 180-189.

Muhammad Sayem, A.S., 2016. 'Objective Analysis of the Drape Behaviour of Virtual Shirt, Part 1: Avatar Morphing and Virtual Stitching', International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 10 (2), pp. 158-169.

Sayem, A.S.M., Kennon, R., Clarke, N., Hayes, S.G., 2016. 'The effect of link-length and vertex angle on mesh generation and pattern flattening for virtual clothing', International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 28 (4), pp. 503-515.

Muhammad Sayem, A.S., Kennon, R., Clarke, N., 2014. '3D Grading and Pattern Unwrapping Technique for Loose-fitting Shirt Part 2: Functionality', Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management, 8.

Muhammad Sayem, A.S., 2014. '3D Grading and Pattern Unwrapping Technique for Loose-fitting Shirt, Part 1: Resizable Design Template', Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management, 8.

Muhammad Sayem, A.S., Kennon, R., Clarke, N., 2012. 'Resizable trouser template for virtual design and pattern flattening', International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 5.

Muhammad Sayem, A.S., Kennon, R., Clarke, N., 2010. '3D CAD systems for the clothing industry', International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 3.

Muhammad Sayem, A.S., Rossback, V., 2004. 'Progress in Supercritical Fluid Dyeing (SFD)', Taiwan Textile Research Journal, 14 (4), 18.

Sayem, A.S.M., Rossbach, V., 2004. 'Supercritical fluid dyeing (SFD): A green technology', Textile Journal, 121 (5), pp. 22-25.

Conference Papers

Muhammad Sayem, A.S., Haider, J., Uddin, M.A., Khan, A.N., Sayeed, M.M.A., Hasan, M., 2023. 'Framework for Environmentally Sustainable Fashion and Textile Production to achieve United Nation (UN) Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12', The 92nd Textile Institute World Conference (TIWC) 2023, University of Huddersfield, 3/7/2023 - 6/7/2023.

Muhammad Sayem, A.S., Islam, M.M., 2023. 'Eco-design framework for reducing fabric waste and consumption during fast fashion production', The 92nd Textile Institute World Conference (TIWC) 2023, University of Huddersfield, 3/7/2023 - 6/7/2023.

Muhammad Sayem, A.S., 2020. 'Virtual prototyping for fashion 4.0', 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Smart Manufacturing (S2M 2019), Manchester, UK, 9/4/2019 - 11/4/2019, in Industry 4.0 – Shaping The Future of The Digital World: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Smart Manufacturing (S2M 2019), 9–11 April 2019, Manchester, UK, pp. 193-196.

Muhammad Sayem, A., 2019. 'Virtual Fashion ID: a reality check', IFFTI (International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institutes) 2019: Fashion ID, Manchester Fashion Institute, Manchester UK, 8/4/2019 - 12/4/2019, in Fashion: ID, pp. 230-239.

Scott, E., Muhammad Sayem, A., 2018. 'Landmarking and measuring for critical body shape analysis targeting garment fit', 9th International Conference and Exhibition on 3D Body Scanning and Processing Technologies, Lugano, Switzerland, 16/10/2018 - 17/10/2018, in Proceedings of 3DBODY.TECH 2018, pp. 222-235.

Muhammad Sayem, A.S., Haider, J., Sayeed, M.M.A., 2018. 'Engineered Material from Natural Fibre for Interior Design Applications', The 91st Textile Institute World Conference: Integrating Design with Sustainable Technology, University of Leeds, UK, 23/7/2018 - 26/6/2018, in 91st Textile Institute World Conference (TIWC 2018): Integrating Design with Sustainable Technology.

Muhammad Sayem, A.S., Sebastian, J., 2018. 'Avatar Morphing for Virtual Fashion Prototyping', Transitions 2: Material Revolution Conference, University of Huddersfield, UK, 11/4/2018 - 12/4/2018.

Muhammad Sayem, A.S., Bednall, A., 2017. 'A Novel Approach to Fit Analysis of Virtual Fashion Clothing', 28/3/2017 - 30/3/2017, in IFFTI Conference 2017: Breaking The Fashion Rules, pp. 193-213.

Muhammad Sayem, A.S., 2016. 'A Reverse Approach to Virtual Shirt Prototyping and Pattern Cutting', 25/4/2016 - 28/4/2016.

Muhammad Sayem, A.S., 2015. 'Advances in Virtual Prototyping: Opportunities for Clothing Manufacturers', 26/12/2015 - 26/12/2015, in TRC Book of Papers 2015, 1, pp. 15-18.

Muhammad Sayem, A.S., 1999. 'Desizing with H2O2 and NaOH to develop a continuous desizing-scouring-bleaching process', American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists 1999 International Conference and Exhibition, Charlotte, N.C., USA, 12/10/1999 - 15/10/1999, in AATCC Book of Papers 1999 International Conference and Exhibition, pp. 35-42.


Neary, R., Perry, P., Kealy-Morris, E., Scott, K., Price, H., Thornton, A., Muhammad Sayem, A., 2022. ''International Collaborative Project Framework for COIL in Fashion Education’, The Future of International Fashion and Design Education, Istituto Marangoni London, online, 29 Sept 2022. Available from: https://www.researchiml.com/events-the-future-of-international-fashion-design-education.', Online.

Theses and Dissertations

Muhammad Sayem, A.S., 2012. 'Resizable outerwear templates for virtual design and pattern flattening'.

Office Location

Room C2.42
Cavendish South
Manchester Fashion Institute
Manchester Metropolitan University
Cavendish Street
Manchester M15 6BG