Paper 171
IFFTI 2019
Paper 171
Evelina Poghosyan
Idyllwild Art School and Otis College of Art and Design, USA
'Biofeedback' in developing fashion identity
During the past few decades, the practice of Biofeedback has gained increasing prominence in medical circles due to the measurable and positive results it provides. Patients presenting various ailments, ranging from ADHD to Autism, have shown quantifiable improvements. The core of the Biofeedback process is to provide the observer-patient with information on their current state, measured with digital tools, and showing the observer the ‘optimal’ state they should aim towards. In time, the observer-patient begins to mirror the ‘optimal’ state, thus improving their existing condition and, in many cases, curing it.
The purpose of this paper is to begin to investigate the existence of such processes that happen on the unconscious level as presented by everyday people that may affect their fashion identity. The limited study presented here provides the basis for further exploratory investigation.
If the brain is in a constant state of observation, does it observe and recognise any type of ‘feedback’ on the state of its own visual self-expression? Does it ‘autocorrect’ itself? The first step is to investigate whether there is such a process of observation and autocorrection, and the second step is to explores the sources of the feedback, if such mechanisms exist, in shaping personal fashion identity.