Class of 2020 – BA (Hons) Fashion – Profile
Megan Stringer
BA (Hons) Fashion 2020

Megan Stringer
BA (Hons) Fashion 2020
My design ethic has always been really textiles based and I love the make do and mend attitude all true working-class Northerner’s adapt to. I love to take a cheaper fabric and use embroidery etc to create something beautiful and expensive looking, I feel this is often reflected through my research as I always consider the economic and political stance of the time.
I love to design and work through a narrative and enjoy immersing myself into my own make believe story, I like to consider the time frame, often contrasting with another inspiration of mine, for example taking inspiration from the 1980’s, North of England whilst also looking at the glitz and glam of Hollywood. I find it really interesting to compare the two, socially and politically the two concepts are so different, through research I’ve been able to look into depth at each.