Sophie Dickson

BA (Hons) Fashion Promotion 2020

Front cover of MATTER magazine. Issue 001.
'I felt like I was drowning in fast fashion I had to stop.'
Belore is a small sustainable business from Belfast, Northern Ireland. They claim that finding companies in the UK that produce 100% recycled and sustainable fabrics is hard to find. But they hope to reach out to Gen Z and raise awareness.

Sophie Dickson

BA (Hons) Fashion Promotion 2020

From my research, it is clear that the fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world. Consumers are ignoring the impacts that fast fashion has on the environment, and it is seriously tough to keep wearing our clothes when we are faced with a tempting array of newness on offer in fast fashion stores. The average person buys 60 percent more items of clothing every year and keeps them for about half as long as 15 years ago, generating a huge amount of waste (Leblanc, 2019). 

Fast fashion focuses on speed and low costs in order to deliver frequent new collections inspired by catwalk looks or celebrity styles. But it is extremely bad for the environment, it includes negative environmental impact, water pollution, the use of toxic chemicals and increasing levels of textile waste. As Generation Z (Gen Z) is expected to become the largest consumer market by 2020, their buying choices are beginning to look more sustainable. Depop is using social media to reach Gen Z and it is working, sellers and customers are coming together and sharing their second-hand clothing to each other. The company has revitalised the market for second-hand clothing, and apps like Depop are on course to eclipse fast fashion brands within the next ten years. 

My project, MATTER magazine, is looking into the lives of Gen Z women who are living their day to day lives more sustainably. Each person will have their own individual way of making a change with their consumption, some more than others. The magazine will promote people and their sustainable lives, weather that is Depop shops or small business’. Doing Q&A’s allow you to discover how to lead a more sustainable life, even if it is all just new to you. By reaching out to people, it is very obvious that Gen Z enjoy finding other cool, like- minded people and reading about their fashion ideas and general lifestyle. 

Being open and honest in the fashion industry is rare, so having a magazine that is not typically focused on well-known brands or celebrities, allows Gen Z consumers to realise you don’t need an awful lot of money to start up a small sustainable business. It also focuses on how to make second-hand fashion fashionable again, that a lot of people find It difficult to do. This magazine is called ‘MATTER’ because it MATTERS to care, it MATTERS to make a change.

What advice would you give your L4 self? Always believe in yourself. You got this!!!