Liv Motley

BA (Hons) Fashion Promotion 2020

Liv Motley

BA (Hons) Fashion Promotion 2020

My final project, Juve, is and online fashion and lifestyle retailer selling products from various different sustainable brands. Juve targets Gen Z consumers who yearn to pursue a sustainable lifestyle yet can't with a restricted income and little knowledge of related brands. Juve pulls the very best, trend-driven, sustainable products together into one place.

Sustainable fashion is often perceived as expensive, boring in style and lacking in variety of items. Juve shows that it is possible to shop more sustainably without breaking the bank or limiting your style. Gen Z are incredibly environmentally aware but are also the biggest consumers of fast fashion, which is inherently, unsustainable. Many Gen Zers aren't aware of the environmental impacts of the fashion industry and this is why Juve aims to educate customers on its environmental impacts to show consumers how to make better choices.

Juve understands that not every customer can be the perfect shopper and fashion as an industry will never be completely sustainable. However, by putting the steps in place to educate Gen Z, show them they can buy better and reward them for it - they can then spread the word, educate others and overall lead the industry to become a more actively conscious one.

Without the systems and retailers in place to market and sell sustainable products to Gen Z, they will continue to shop with the fast fashion retailers who dominate the market. They want convenience and ease when shopping and that's exactly what Juve does but in a way that doesn't cost the Earth.

For the project, the deliverables were an app, website, Instagram, pop-up concept store and an augmented reality clothes tag. View the Instagram for Juve

Juve App Run Through

Adobe Aero Juve Swing Tag

Influencer AR Tag used for launch event