Class of 2020 – BA (Hons) Fashion Promotion – Profile
Harriet Butterworth
BA (Hons) Fashion Promotion 2020

Harriet Butterworth
BA (Hons) Fashion Promotion 2020
Reflecting on my university experience it has been a rollercoaster, many would see this is a cliche comment to make, however it is a fitting comment to say the least. Starting of my university experience in London, one of the fashion capitals, home to the famous Oxford Circus and many other iconic streets. It was a good learning experience also, being a part of Graduate Fashion Week, being chosen to attend an interview at Alexander McQueen and organising shows. My 4 years of study has allowed me to evolve personally and to express who I really am and allowed me to understand what I want to do as my career, which is blogging and podcasting, I think social interaction with your audience is important especially in the current climate where we are not allowed outside to socialise with each other.
I found the task of creating my own project quite daunting at first along with picking a topic that would stand out from my peers, but I rose to the challenge and completed my work on which topic to pick from and still managing to stand out from your peers, through my work I wanted to create a publication for the everyday women, acting as if you were speaking to a friend on the way home from work. We are faced with airbrushed images every day on social media and magazines, this doesn't help anyone confidence, I mean why would it? You are having an off day with yourself then you are later greeted with a 5'9 model, hair to die for and a waist many of us dream of! Therefore, I wanted to create something where the everyday woman can read and feel happy about herself.