Class of 2020 – BA (Hons) Fashion Promotion – Profile
Ebony Greaves
BA (Hons) Fashion Promotion 2020

Ebony Greaves
BA (Hons) Fashion Promotion 2020
My name is Ebony Greaves, known as Ebony Akilah. I am a Fashion Promotion graduate that is often inspired by evolving black and urban youth culture and music. I enjoy exploring photography and creative directing etc. I am keen to develop these skills in industry, whilst acquiring deeper knowledge and experience of casting and branding. I advocate for other young creatives and showcase that in my work where possible.
The following work has been selected from my Visual Practice 2 unit. I created a fanzine, Hype, that is dedicated to northern based creatives making their way within the new wave of black and urban culture. It celebrates Black British culture, and highlights the unseen and unheard talents through music, fashion, art and literature.
Advise I would give my L4 self is to network more with other Manchester fashion institute students and to clearly communicate with lecturers. I would stress the significance of staying positive, exploring creatively and finding a balance between academia and creativity. Most importantly, I would advise my L4 self to enjoy the course and to always trust and believe in the creative vision.
I hope you enjoy the work.