8 – 12 April 2019


Fashion impacts time, geography, economy and society. Due to technology and global activity we all consume, and aspire, have opinions and a sense of style. Fashion is material and symbolic. Clothing, wellbeing, performance, health and function are all aspects claimed by the fashion industry.

Fashion: ID

The theme of Fashion: ID for the 2019 IFFTI conference intends to examine, redefine and challenge existing conventions, explore new thinking and technological evolution.

The 2019 IFFTI theme is divided into three areas of focus:
Personal: ID | Community: ID | Global: ID

Personal: ID

Innovator, muse, guru, pioneer, designer, marketer, financier, saviour, entertainer, prophet, follower, maker, dreamer, observer.

Personal interactions with senses of identity – past, present and future.

Influences, which define and shape our individual sense of fashion and identity.

Community: ID

Tribes, subscribers, cohesive socio groups who define and are defined by values and tensions around status, belonging and the need for individuality.

The young and restless, seeking to improve and solve the problems created by their elders.

The old, a global challenge with many issues to address, including health and better living.

Global: ID

Migration and destabilisation. Fashion’s conscience in balancing profits with societal damage.

The relevance of fashion in a digital, destabilised world.

The future of the brand/retailer/trends.

The focus of this context is the social and economic future considerations of fashion, and the possibility of a ‘non’ identity.