Research Staff

Our Research and Knowledge Exchange Hub brings together high-ranking researchers, leaders in diverse aspects of the discipline, and those who are newer to the field.

Research Staff Profiles

Dr Phoebe Apeagyei

Senior Lecturer (Fashion Technology)

Dr Susan Atkin

Senior Lecturer (Division Head - Fashion Design)

Professor Liz Barnes

Professor/Head of Manchester Fashion Institute

Dr Kathryn Brownbridge

Senior Lecturer (Fashion Design)

Professor Margaret Bruce

Research Professor

Professor Fiona Hackney

Professor of Fashion

Nick Hall

Senior Lecturer: Fashion Business

Dr Jo Jenkinson

Reader and Deputy Head (Fashion)

Dr Elizabeth Kealy-Morris

Senior Lecturer in Dress and Belonging

Dr Paddy Lonergan

Senior Lecturer in Brands & Consumer Culture

Dr Helen McCormick

Faculty Director of Education, Arts and Humanities

Jayne Mechan

Senior Lecturer (Fashion Technology)

Dr Patsy Perry

Reader in Fashion Marketing

Professor Susan Postlethwaite

Professor of Fashion Technologies

Lesley Raven

Senior Lecturer (Fashion Art Direction)

Dr Tasneem Sabir

Senior Lecturer in Textiles Technology

Dr Abu Sadat Muhammad Sayem

Project Lead, UKRI AHRC Digital Fashion Network

Barbara Shepherd

Reader in Fashion Business

Kat Thiel

Senior Research Associate

Professor David Tyler

Emeritus Professor

Dr Prabhuraj Venkatraman

Senior Lecturer - Technical Textiles and Sustainable Fashion and Doctoral College Department Lead

Dr Zhe Wang

Lecturer in Fashion Art Direction

Dr Benjamin Wild

Senior Lecturer in Fashion Narratives | Division Head for Fashion Communication

Dr Paula Wren

Senior Lecturer (Fashion Technology)

Aaron Zidichouski

KTP Associate