Toni Clarke

BA (Hons) Fashion Promotion 2019

"I Woke Up Like This"
Whitworth Locke Hotel
Photography: Minori Iwahashi
MUA: Katie Maddren
Models: LouLou Obam, Kristina Juk Creative Director: Toni Clarke
"What You See, Isn't What You Get"
Photography: Minori Iwahashi Styling: Sabah Younis
MUA: Katie Maddren
Model: Tofunmi Ifarajimi
Creative Director: Toni Clarke
"Did You Get My Best Side?"
Photography: Minori Iwahashi
Styling: Sabah Younis
MUA: Katie Maddren
Model: LouLou Obam
Creative Director: Toni Clarke
"I'm Sorry I'm Here, I Didn't Want To Come"
Photography: Minori Iwahashi
Styling: Sabah Younis
MUA: Katie Maddren
Models from L to R: Tofunmi Ifarajimi, Kristina Juk, Ryan Stanley, LouLou Obam
Creative Director: Toni Clarke
"The Post Workout Selfie They'd Never Show You"
Nice Style, No IG
Photography: Toni Clarke
Retouch: Minori Iwahashi
Styling: Model's Own
Model: Kate Anderson
Creative Director: Toni Clarke
"No filter"
Photography: Toni Clarke
Retouch: Minori Iwahashi
Styling: Model's Own
Model: Kate Anderson
Creative Director: Toni Clarke

Toni Clarke

BA (Hons) Fashion Promotion 2019

Msg. Magazine

Targeted at Millenials, the ‘always on’ generation brought up in a world predominantly influenced by digital platforms, I wanted to create a space away from that and reignite our former love for print media. To my knowledge, there are currently no existing publications tackling the issues of mental health, sustainability, gender/identity all under the same platform while further discussing these within the remit of fashion. When initially posing the issues to a sample of potential readers, 70% of respondents felt they would read a fashion magazine which challenged such issues and thus ‘Msg.’ was born. This project is aiming to merge both print and digital medias together, while connecting the reader with the contributors featured in each issue, I chose to embed QR codes throughout. These enable the reader to quickly scan, shop and follow the brands and faces of the issue. So whether you read an article now or in 6 months time, I hope its ‘Msg’ will still hold the same value.