Charlotte Berry

BA (Hons) Fashion Promotion 2019

You got this
Love ya self
Love ya self
Mixed emotion society
Perfectly imperfect
I am perfectly imperfect

Charlotte Berry

BA (Hons) Fashion Promotion 2019

We are Glorious is a fashion brand founded in 2019 and has been created to raise positive awareness for mental health problems for women aged 16 – 23 in the United Kingdom. It is important to me because mental health is still strongly portrayed in a negative light and the negative stigma around it has made people ashamed and afraid to talk about it. The aim to help this problem is by creating a brand which uses fashion in a positive way to raise awareness for females with mental health issues. Creating a fashion brand that is stylish but at the same time has an active approach to help remove the stress and stigma associated with mental health is a niche market that would attract Generation Z’s buying needs and expectations.