Grace Lloyd


Throughout the summer months 2022, I was working multiple jobs. During this time I felt dehumanised and that I wasn’t a living being. I was a number to companies, programmed to do the same job over and over again. The same monotone routine day in day out, even outside of working hours I still felt I was living in a robotic like state. As a response to this I decided to observe my surroundings, documenting the commute to the office, within the office and travelling home in the evening, observing the type of people around me, the patterns on the pavements, signs on the roads etc. ‘Functioning life’ depicts the repetitive routine of day to day living, highlighting the mundane aspects that aren’t the most exciting. It explores a different view on everyday living: learning to see the unseen. This collection combines traditional tailoring elements with bold prints created using the city centre as a source for inspiration.