Rhiannon Haughian

Fashion Business Strategy

Deciding to apply for the Fashion Buying and Merchandising course at Manchester Fashion Institute has been the most rewarding, confidence building rollercoaster I have ever experienced.

After A-Levels my university plans changed numerous times, and after two years out I decided to apply for this course, having built a passion for Visual Merchandising through my employment role at that time. I initially intended to graduate and become a Visual Merchandiser, I knew very little about Buying and Merchandising and everything inbetween, until I came to MMU. This course opened up so many possibilites & opportunities, and really made me rethink my career journey making me much more aware of the endless opportunities within the Fashion Industry.

First year, I was like a fish out of water, unsure how to even begin assignments, however my tutors were never too far to give help and guidance. Second year unfortunately was effected by COVID which meant interactions and buliding conections, even with tutors, was affected. In my third year, I had the opportunity of a lifetime, moving to London for a placement role with The Walt Disney Company as E-commerce Site Merchandising Intern. 

Throughout my university journey, I have developed many new skills and interests, particularly within Sustainability and Supply Chain Management. This, along with the knowledge gained over the past 4 years led me to produce a Strategic Business Report focusing on the brand Chanel, and their Sustainability Goals from their 2020/2021 1.5 Sustainability Report. I am very proud of of this work, as building my knowledge around the ways brands can improve Sustainability, including Supply Chain & Ethics is something I am passionate about.

I would not be the confident fashion graduate that I am today without attending this course, so if you were unsure whether the course is for you, I would highly recommend!