Juliet Evans

Where are you going? Where are you been? What are you doing?

My collection is inspired by destruction of local area by new building developments is harming the British countryside irrevocably. We are at the point of no return. Rural Britain being lost forever. The challenges facing my local area means we must redraw our way of life. Taking inspiration from the historic folk law of my village, such as fairy rings, and clashing it with the workwear of the builders changing the face of the countryside and using locally sourced and deadstock fabrics, I draw on traditional techniques such as smocking and forms of hand knotting to create high quality garments that last. We must keep our heritage alive.

As a designer I specialise in embroidery and surface manipulation. I create garments with attention to detail and aim to create garments which can be worn in multiple settings. Sustainability is always my first thought in my practice and finding deadstock or end of roll fabrics helps lead my design work.