Hannah Clay BA (Hons) Fashion Buying and Merchandising

Final Major Project: Both Barrels Live Brief
For my final university project, I selected the Live Brief option to obtain a direct understanding of the fashion industry and business practises. I chose to collaborate with Both Barrels, a sole proprietorship, owned by Mat Booth. My project worked to analyse Both Barrel’s current performance and existing strategies in order to determine whether the brand should adapt or revise its strategic approach. Considering Both Barrel’s present challenges, whilst respecting the surrounding market and current economic climate, the children’s outdoor daypack, ‘Evolutio’ is presented. The proposed product, evolved following a critical examination of cultural, social, theoretical, industrial and ethical contexts and aims to seamlessly align with Both Barrel's mission and values whilst addressing the real-world issue of rising sedentariness in Generation Alpha. The purpose of this invention is to improve Both Barrel’s brand recognition by leveraging social media marketing, this will, we anticipate, improve sales by highlighting Both Barrel’s competitive advantage.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my last three years at Manchester Metropolitan University and feel I have developed every element of my character. Now to take on the working world!