Fashion Enterprise Project: The Modified Service

For my final project, I created The Modified Service - an alterations and reworking service targeted towards Gen Z and Millennials who have trouble finding clothes to fit. I am an advocate for using the materials we already have, circling to create new clothes rather than adding to the already exceptional amount by manufacturing new products. The Modified Service allowed me to highlight issues which I believe are important and should be tackled, like the re-circling of clothes, transparency between businesses and the customer, and making clothing accessible for every type of body.

The Modified Service allows the customer to send their items that do not fit them via courier; we alter them to the customers' specifications, or completely rework the garment. This item is sent back to the customer, saving time compare to using a regular alterations service. The company intends to partner with Oxfam to make use of the surplus of donations their shops receive which cannot be sold, as well as provide additional material an alteration may need in exchange for donations. The aim of The Modified Service is to become a well-established business in Manchester, and then expand regionally. The business also aims to become more known for reworking collections, and collaborations with other charities.

This project allowed me to improve my knowledge of financing a business, graphic design and marketing skills, and overall allowed me to combine all the learning I have gained throughout my degree course.