Ellie Brown BA (Hons) Fashion Design and Technology (Menswear)

Reconditions values are inclusion, sustainability and acessibility. This collections is for the young disabled consumer who have been so long overlooked and underrepresented. It is designed to empower this consumer and finally give them clothes which both physically function for them and also excite them to style.
All the existing accessible/adaptable collections are very workwear focus and don't take into account that people want to enjoy the clothes they wear. Three really important things have been considered at every step of the design process, functionality, fastenings and fit. All of these aspects are cruicial to whether the clothing functions for the consumer.
The seasonal concept is based around Italian culture, more specifically that of Liguria where I spent five months living last year. The colours, prints and silhouettes are inspired by the food, architecture and landscape of the beautiful region.
This concept came from an extensive body of primary research. The amazing people I spoke to gave me invaluable insignt into their world and their needs. This collection is dedicated to them.