Amy Till BA (Hons) Fashion Buying and Merchandising

My expectations of the Fashion Buying and Merchandising course here were high when applying, and after graduating I can tell you there is even more to it than is advertised. The course goes into great depth on not only the differing roles within the fashion industry, but also the external elements that can affect your future career. At times I found the first year to be overwhelming with information but could always find support and never found my questions regarded as silly by the lecturers. This helped by both lecturers and seminars being very interactive and discussions were encouraged.
Second year was unfortunately affected by lockdown which was such a shame. Interactions lessened due to the bizarreness of online learning, but support was there when needed. I personally struggled with motivation that year like many students and if the course was not as interesting as it is, I am not sure I would have stayed at university.
I had been looking forward to third year since first starting the course. We were briefly told about the FMP (Final Major Project) which I really hope is continued. This made me begin to think of ideas I may want to carry out for my own FMP and resulted in me having so much passion for my idea. I encourage everyone to treat their own FMP as a real possibility for post-graduating plans for careers rather than just an assignment to pass, and use your own experience gained - professional or personal – to add individuality to your work. I chose the business route for my FMP which focused on the limitations and incompetence of the maternity market and explored avenues that I believe - if realised - would transform fashion for pregnant women. This opportunity is still a possibility for me and is something I have set as my own long-term goal.
The main advice I would give for all future students for this course would be:
- Start your research from week one and start writing as soon as possible
- Always find an angle for all pieces of work that excites you so that you always have some passion about your writing
- Never hold back a question or opinion, let your voice be heard. It’s not embarrassing.